donderdag 27 januari 2011

Trail art

Last week I started with my main creation this winter. I don't want to spoil all the fun and tell you what it is. But I do want to explain the general idea behind some new creations.

In some new sculpts I will use not only clay or resin (if casting), but also materials I find while mountainbiking or trailrunning. Mixing street art style with something close to me: junk. Sounds a bit strange, but I always liked to use 'worthless' stuff to make something new. In this case everything I find along the way. Especially natural 'junk'. Like rocks, wood, bones etc.
I have already made one Cungo with rocks in places where you anatomically would have bones; your spine for example. This is the white Cungo in previous post, more pictures on my site:
This combination of street art and trail junk I call trail art. So these months it is about finding the best contrasts between natural junk and street art. I am busy with one simple example which I hope to show very soon!

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